Interview with dentist and alternative practitioner Dr. Sabine Diedrich

“He who heals is right”. This saying by Hippocrates has been with me my whole life. It started as part of a voluntary dental aid project in Brazil around 1999 and 2000, following my state examination.

In addition to traditional dentistry, it is always important for me to think outside the box. That’s why I’ve been a recognized alternative practitioner since 2011, have a diploma in acupuncture and have been running my own dental practice in Würzburg since 2014. I am constantly undergoing further interdisciplinary training and am always on the lookout for innovative medicine. We have been using parodur gel in my practice with 6 employees since 2018

parodur gel from the perspective of a dentist and alternative practitioner: composition - application - "effect"

The care and prophylaxis gel is ideal for preventing gingivitis and periodontitis and is also suitable for daily prophylaxis at home. It is a special combination of chlorhexidine and herbal ingredients from camomile, thyme, sage and comfrey. Chlorhexidine has been proven to reduce the number of germs on the oral mucosa thanks to its non-specific antibacterial effect. However, many herbal extracts in the form of essential oils also have antibacterial properties, as do the herbal components contained in parodur gel. But that’s not all: the ingredients of camomile and comfrey as well as thyme and sage also have analgesic, anti-inflammatory, decongestant and wound-healing properties.

In my practice, we have found that once-daily application is recommended for acute inflammation or after periodontitis therapy. For prophylaxis, we recommend using parodur gel once or twice a week. Applied directly to the mucous membrane after brushing your teeth in the evening, the cosmetic has a beneficial effect. Its viscous consistency, which adheres to the mucous membrane for several hours, is also pleasant and provides optimum support to keep the gingiva healthy. The 10 ml cannula tube facilitates practical application and is available in lime and mint flavors.

Time and again, I can observe how the signs of inflammation on the mucous membrane disappear within a few days and the gingiva strengthens again. My patients are delighted with the ease of use and the fast, reliable and long-lasting effect. A classic gel with antibacterial properties and in harmony with natural and herbal ingredients!

"My patients are delighted with the convenient application and fast, reliable and long-lasting effect."

Dr. Sabine Diedrich – Dentist / Naturopath