A testimonial from dentist Henning Riße

I took over the long-established practice, which had been here in Westerkappeln for over 40 years, in 2015 and continued to run it at the old location until 2019. After an investor offered me a space in the newly built commercial and medical center, we moved to the modern shopping center four years ago. This decision was not difficult for us, as the old building was very cramped and could no longer be converted to make it handicapped accessible. Now we have a modern practice with 6 treatment rooms, a well-equipped laboratory and we even have space for another colleague, who I would like to bring on board.

Formerly: painful alveolitis strips - today: SOCKETOL

There are plenty of parking spaces available!
Yes, that’s true. Many patients who can come to us at ground level also tell us that. Many of them go shopping afterwards, which is really clever and well received. The move was definitely worth it!

What do you specialize in?
Like our predecessor, we make a lot of dentures. We employ 2.5 technicians in our dental laboratory and our team consists of 13 people including cleaners.

Do you do a lot in the practice laboratory yourself or do you also do a lot outside?
Of course, we try to do a lot ourselves. The only thing that is not worthwhile for us is milling, which we outsource. That means: 3D scan yes, milling machine no. With milling machines, technology is simply advancing far too quickly. If you buy a milling machine, it’s already outdated after six months.

… However, your own signature is still included in the design of the work, as it is carried out according to your quality standards and the milling machines implement this.

Do you have your own work philosophy or how would you describe your way of working?
What’s important to me – and you can also notice this in our team – is that there is a pleasant atmosphere here. We’ve been very busy over the last few years and nevertheless, we don`t ever let it bother us. We also try to treat everyone equally, regardless of whether the patients have a private or statutory health insurance_. Of course, we treat according to the latest standards, be it with lasers, scanners or mechanical root canal preparation – we have everything here. The only thing missing is a 3D X-ray machine. But we`re sattisfied with the 2019 device because we hand over special surgical cases to oral surgeons.

How would you describe your practice?
We are a down-to-earth family practice with a strong focus on dentures, although we have never pushed dentures. We have always had this focus on dentures and words get around.

a good denture is also worth its weight in gold.
That’s exactly how it is.

"We are a down-to-earth family practice with a strong focus on dentures."

Henning Riße – Dentist

"It has to work, be easy to apply and the price-performance ratio has to be right."

Henning Riße – Dentist

How would you describe your patients and what is important to you about them?[Good question: Nowadays, patients are much more demanding, especially the younger ones…

… because they are much better informed on the Internet?
That too, yes. If you look at my colleagues from the past, they had a lot of “fool’s freedom” and “could do whatever they wanted”. Whether it harmed them or not didn’t really matter. Nowadays, you can’t work like you did back then. Patients over the age of 70 are certainly still familiar with this old school. You could no longer treat today’s generation in the same way, they would run away from you in droves. We therefore focus on satisfied patients and try to treat them gently.

Are patients more demanding today?
They are more enlightened, partly because of the internet. Online appointments and websites are therefore standard for modern dentists. The dentists of the past didn’t have to worry about bad reviews on the internet [lacht]. Despite the stress, we try to treat patients kindly and well. It’s important to me that patients behave sensibly and are nice.

… a friendly cooperation?!
That’s right.

What requirements do you have for the materials used in your practice?
Of course, it has to work, be easy to apply and the price-performance ratio has to be right. It has to be said that we also feel the economic pressure. We can’t always pass everything on to patients, and my clients simply don’t always go along with that.


You use some lege artis products, what do you particularly like about them?
No matter what I use from lege artis, whether Cp-CAP, ORBAT or SOCKETOL, it just works and you get the full effect straight away. And I’m not just saying that because we’re doing this interview: In the last few days I’ve treated alveolitis after tooth extraction with SOCKETOL several times – The patients came back the next day and it was already much better. That’s what we want. It works really well!

When do you use the SOCKETOL and how do you use it?
Mainly in the case of alveolitis after tooth extraction, when the blood coagulum has disintegrated too quickly or there`s a dry socket/dry aleolus. Fortunately, I haven’t had it myself yet, but the pain must be really extreme, that`s what patients tell me consistently. Sometimes I freshen up the wound again with a sharp spoon, depending on how it looks in the mouth. Then I apply SOCKETOL from below out the depth of the wound, up to half or three-quarters full. To stabilize and seal the wound, I usually put a strip on top, using the classic zinc eugenol paste.

"I've also used various other medicines, but the effect of SOCKETOL is simply brilliant - you can't get it under control as quickly as with SOCKETOL."

Henning Riße – Dentist

Every dentist has their own way of working… The important thing is that the product does what it promises.
… as I said, patients say after half an hour or an hour that it works quickly. Depending on how the wound looks like, I repeat it the following days. Patients usually come back two or three times, so we can usually manage that well.

Some dentists also use SOCKETOL prophylactically after a tooth has just been extracted and apply SOCKETOL directly …
[fällt ins Wort] I’m glad you said that, of course I’ve already done that. Especially if you discover an inflammation in the x-ray or if the patient already has symptoms beforehand. Then I extract the tooth, inject SOCKETOL into the bottom of the socket, put a swab on top… and off home. Of course, you can’t really judge how well it will work – it will work well – but if the patient hasn’t had any symptoms yet,_you don’t know exactly. But of course I use it if I see that there is an “egg” at the root tip, an inflammation at the root tip or a degree of tooth loosening in the x-ray – then I also like to inject it.

This is also what the dry-SOCKET paste is intended for, either curatively or prophylactically. It is also clear that the effect of preventive use is difficult to quantify. However, it is important that the goal is achieved and that the patient is satisfied and as pain-free as possible.
I can confirm that it works really well for alveolitis. However, it is difficult to quantify directly after tooth extraction, but I assume it will work there too [laughs].

What is the unique selling point of SOCKETOL?
SOCKETOL is super easy to use and the syringe shape makes it extremely easy to apply into the wound. The consistency is good and when you apply SOCKETOL, you get the feeling that it expands in the alveolus, “wedges” within the alveolus and becomes firmer. I have also used various other medicines, but the effect of SOCKETOL is simply brilliant – you can’t get it under control as quickly as with SOCKETOL.

I’m glad to hear that…
[Fällt ins Wort] And it`s_such a painful thing for_patients. In the past, we used to “hammer in” classic strips in a long forms, which was extremely unpleasant for patients – no pleasant treatment. And even with anaesthetics, a dry socket is often still extremely painful because the inflamed area cannot be anesthetized that well. Whereas with SOCKETOL it works really well.

How did you hear about SOCKETOL?
SOCKETOL  was recommended to me by a colleague and I can really recommend it to every dentist.

If you were a lege artis product manager, would you change anything about the product?
From my point of view, there is no room for improvement.

Thank you very much for the interview!

With pleasure.

The interview was conducted by pharmaceutical sales representative Ulrike Birkoben

"I myself was recommended SOCKETOL by a colleague and can only recommend it to every dentist."

Henning Riße – Dentist