A field report by Dr. med. dent. Steffen Biebl from Würzburg

In our large practice with a total of seven dentists, we have tried almost everything to stop bleeding before taking impressions. In the end, however, we always ended up with the classic thread with ORBAT sensitive. Our dental staff and I have been using the 25% aluminum sulfate solution ORBAT sensitive for over 20 years. We mainly use ORBAT sensitive for hemostasis and gingiva management before taking impressions.

"For me, there is no alternative to ORBAT sensitive"

How would you describe ORBAT sensitive?

It is pleasant to use compared to other substances we have tested so far. In addition, patients do not complain about an unpleasant taste, as ORBAT sensitive is relatively tasteless and odorless. ORBAT simply works well in practice.

What problems does ORBAT sensitive solve?

Actually all our obvious problems. We have tried many things, but when push comes to shove, we use ORBAT sensitive for thread and gingiva management before the impression. I’m really very happy with the material, especially after the journey I’ve been on over all the other alternatives. For me, there is no alternative to ORBAT sensitive.

What experience have you had with aluminum sulfate solutions?

Actually only good experiences. Of course, I have also used ORBAT forte. The disadvantage of ORBAT forte is that you have to spray off the iron(III) sulphate precipitate again. This is why we have opted for the double-thread technique with ORBAT sensitive, because it is easier to handle for our purposes. We use ORBAT forte for pulpotomy and to stop papillary bleeding.

How would you describe yourself and the way you work?

Ultimately, I work with the classic methods that you learn at university. When taking impressions, this is the double-thread technique with the cotton thread, in which both threads are usually impregnated with ORBAT sensitive. We generally use ORBAT sensitive for prosthetic and conservative restorations. Another advantage of ORBAT sensitive: it does not discolor the dentine and is therefore well suited for cervical fillings.

Why is ORBAT sensitive right for you?

Because I have actually tried all the other alternatives – especially the astringent pastes from the cartridges, which are supposedly convenient. The simple fact is that most dentists are bored with the double thread technique. It is an activity for which you don’t necessarily have to have studied, but the work is of course absolutely necessary to be able to make a clean impression of the preparation margin. For us, there is no alternative to ORBAT.

"It is a pleasant product to handle compared to other substances that we have tested so far."

Dr. med. dent. Steffen Biebl from Würzburg