Interview with dentist Dr. Jolanta Broistedt
We currently have 7 employees here in Buchholz i.d. Nordheide. However, we are currently looking for two more employees and a dental technician – but due to the current lack of skilled workers, the search is a difficult task. So to ensure that quality does not suffer we had to cap the number of patients.
I am very satisfied because I have been pursuing and implementing a biological approach to dentistry for several years now. The corona pandemic has really helped me to get patients excited about my concept. The pandemic has made people very open-minded and ready for change. That wasn’t the case to the same extent before corona, it`s still going on. I was able to gain a lot of new patients looking for this approach. I was found particularly through word of mouth. This makes me very happy and I am grateful that I can help patients with more than just their teeth and mouth, but on a holistic level. For me, dentistry is “medicine that begins in the mouth” and not medicine that ends there.
"Dentistry = medicine that begins in the mouth"
You attach great importance to biological dentistry and the use of well-tolerated materials. What makes your practice special?
I don’t use any metals in the oral cavity. I am uncompromising in this respect. This means that I do not use titanium implants, for example – only ceramic implants. I use different types of ceramic for crowns, bridges, inlays and onlays. If it is a removable denture, it should be metal-free, for which I like to use zirconium dioxide or a composite. I only work with dental technicians who can implement this.
I remove amalgam with special, extended protective measures, thus reducing the metals in the oral cavity and usually even removing all metals. If this is not possible – for example in older patients who do not want or cannot afford the change – I make sure that at least only one type of metal is used.
If implants are to be placed, I look at the blood values and the vitamin D level and ask if and which dietary supplements are being taken. Usually it`s a whole cascade of various fields that are included in the treatment: This means that when a patient comes in, I look at the mouth, also by X-rays, and determine the vitamin D level.
Do you have a special device for this?
Yes, exactly – we take a drop of blood from the ring finger onto a carrier and within 15 minutes we have a result that is sufficient to see how the patient should be further treated. Science has now come so far that a connection between gum problems and a lack of vitamin D and omega 3 has been proven. Other substances such as herbs should also be included in the treatment. This is why I really like the natural products from lege artis.
How would patients describe you and what is important to you with patients?
Patients would probably describe me as sometimes too uncompromising in my treatment methods – but always very determined… [pauses].
… but you also want to get the best results for your patients.
Exactly. I also hear from naturopaths who have sent their patients to me, that the patients start discussing with them whether or not a tooth really needs to be removed. If I then show them which connection the tooth has to which organ and the patients actually have problems with these organs, then it is clear to me that a root canal treatment alone is not enough. Because, if the tooth remains, nothing will change, as it is the source of the inflammation! And if you don’t change anything, nothing will change – that’s my motto too!
I myself have experienced and gone through a lot with my teeth – and have seen for myself that you really have to be uncompromising when it comes to dental restoration. This means that the mouth-cleaning/tooth-brushing, the removal of inflammation and sources of inflammation has to be done thoroughly, only then does the body have the opportunity to regenerate. If you don’t do this bit by bit, it doesn’t work, then nothing really happens, because the body is not relieved. I have experienced this myself and have also noticed this with my patients.

"And if you don't change anything, nothing will change - that's my motto too!"
Dr. Jolanta Broistedt – Dentist

"For me, dentistry is "medicine that begins in the mouth" and not medicine that ends there."
Dr. Jolanta Broistedt – Dentist
… then please describe your patients?
My patients usually come to me already informed, mostly on the recommendation of naturopaths or other patients. In this case I don’t have to explain too much then.
I have a few patients who are esoteric. I also draw clear lines there: I am a convinced Christian and don`t want to have anything to do with occultism, like using pendulums on patients or involving other forces, as it is common in esotericism. I simply want to do good biological dentistry and heal people by removing the sources of inflammation from the patient’s body.
The bioresonance that I work with is purely physical and physically detectable, and I can justify that. The esoteric patients generally leave quickly when they realize that they are not getting anywhere with me.
The guiding principle of your treatment is nature. What requirements do you place on the materials you use?
I mainly use biocompatible materials that support the body in it`s healing process and do not burden it.
About LEGASED natur
You have been using some lege artis products – what do you particularly like about them?
I use the Prophylaxis series from lege artis, for example. I like the fact that they contain natural healing substances that support the body in a natural way and don’t just chemically affects the body.
You have been using LEGASED natur for several years now. What convinced you about this product in particular?
… that it actually provides immediate relief on various surfaces. The natural wound dressing/plaster is easy to use and “herb-based”. I don’t have to convince my patients that they will get relief using it because they already experienced it positively in the dental chair.
Do you also recommend LEGASED natur_ to patients for home use?
… and do the patients cope well with it?
Indeed, because the solution adheres excellently to the spot. I always recommend applying LEGASED natur to the open area with a cotton swab and wetting it afterwards with water. The patients then have a natural wound dressing/plaster, a surface sealant – not by chemical substances – but by natural substances that close the wound naturally. The body can then deal with this more quickly than in the conventional chemical way. Simply NATURAL.
When do you use LEGASED natur and how exactly do you use it?
I mainly use the natural plaster for pressure points in older patients caused by dentures. I used to use a chemical medicine for this. Now, with the support of plasma light and
LEGASED natur, I can get to grips with it more quickly. Within two or three days, the wound is much smaller.

Do you have recurring pain in your mouth? The complaints are for example
- Inflammation of the gums or oral mucosa
- Pressure points due to prostheses
- Painful roundish-oval mucosal defects (aphthae)
What nature makes possible with LEGASED natur:
- Versatile use: for the treatment of aphthae and pressure sores, among other things
- Protects against further chemical and mechanical irritation
- Film-forming remedy, reduces the ingress of bacteria and food debris into oral wounds
- Long-lasting adhesion
- Supports wound healing

Benzoin is a fragrant resin with mild disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is extracted from trees and shrubs of the Styrax genus in Thailand and

In periodontology, I also apply it after curettage when the gums are very swollen. I first disinfect with a soft laser and plasma light. Finally, I use LEGASED natur as a wound dressing/plaster because it stays well on the surface.
This has the advantage that patients can then eat again and it alleviates the after-effects of the treatment. I also find that very pleasant.
How satisfied are you with the adhesive force?
Very satisfied, because LEGASED natur is a product that “stays on”. All the others smear, and as soon as it`s a little damp, the alternative products are already somewhere entirely else. LEGASED natur, however, stays where it belongs.
What do you see as the unique selling point of LEGASED natur?
… that the natural resin solution is “herb-based” and actually stays in place.
If you were a lege artis product manager, would you change anything about the oral wound dressig/plaster LEGASED natur?
I would make the bottle size even smaller and also sell LEGASED natur in pharmacies.
In addition to the depots, LEGASED natur_ has always been available in pharmacies, also in a smaller _5ml size for patients (PZN 04406325), besides the 20ml size for practices (PZN 00033726).
Oh, I didn’t even know that [laughs].
No problem. Thank you for the interview, Dr. Broistedt.
It has been a pleasure.
The interview was conducted by pharmaceutical sales representative Ulrike Birkoben (see photo on the right).